The Journey Podcast
Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever. He's also the same in America, Europe, Africa and Asia. Come hear stories of how He has revealed Himself to ordinary people in extraordinary ways across the globe. If it's true that we "overcome the enemy by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony" then our stories are powerful weapons to be used for great victories. That also means that your story has great power, too!
The Journey Podcast
12: Carey - Newlyweds
Season 1
We got married at the tail end of university and that day couldn't come soon enough. We did some things in that season really well. Other, they needed improvement. There were so many new challenges...bills to pay, seeing each other every day, a for real grown up job, petty arguments, and buying refrigerators!
We had no idea where this life was headed, but we were thrilled to go there together. Marriage is meant to be the greatest blessing, and we are still walking in the fruit of the decisions we made those first few months.